Friday, July 24, 2009

The RACE Card, played now by The President of the USA?

I am upset, and have been from the first moment I heard about the arrest of College Professor Gates and the reaction to that arrest by the President.

Although I did not vote for President Obama, since I did not feel comfortable with someone who I still believe was not vetted properly and who lacked enough real world experience to hold such responsibility for leading our country, I was hopeful that finally having a "person of color" in our highest office would help to set aside for once and for all the racial prejudices that have been a part of our U.S. history. My grandchildren are of mixed heritage. For them and all people of color, a part of me was greatly encouraged that now, at long last any child of African descent could truly aspire to be anything they wanted to be, including "President of the United States of America".

Unfortunately, my greatest fears have been realized. Yesterday's comments and assumptions by Mr. Obama regarding the incident involving Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., have shocked me to my core. I honestly believe that Mr. O. has in just in 15 seconds, turned back the clock on our nation's progress in race relations, and has seriously jeopardized the lives even further of our police officers and their departments across the country. In one sound bite, I think it's possible that 50+ years of building respect between the races has been completely undermined.

I stand in solidarity with Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley after his lawful arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. Here's a link to the story: